James 4:7 Humble Yourself: Resist the Devil – Part 6

Have I resisted the devil?  Yesterday We began to focus on ‘how‘ one becomes humble, seeing it 1st begins in submission to God. Today We will pick up where we left off in verse 7 to see what it means to resist the devil. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > […]

James 4:8 Humble Yourself: How to Resist Part 7

What am I doing to resist the devil? Yesterday We saw when one submits to God, they are actually taking a stand against the devil, everything he is and stands for. Today We will pick up where we left off to see ‘how‘ to ‘resist the devil’ on a practical basis. Open GODcha to the Book of […]

James 4:8 Humble Yourself: Draw Near to God – Part 8

  Do I long to draw near to God? Yesterday We walked away seeing when we faithfully obey God, the devil has to flee. Today We want to check out drawing near to God.  Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > Or, […]

James 4:8 Humble Yourself: Be Cleansed and Purified – Part 9

Have I cleansed my hands and purified my heart? Yesterday We LOOKED at drawing near to God. Today We want to continue along this truth and see what is necessary to draw near to God. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > […]

James 4:9 Humble Yourself: Mourn Over Sin – Part 10

Am I miserable? Do I mourn and weep over my sin? Yesterday We saw drawing near to God requires a cleansing, a purification. Today We want to LOOK at verse 9 and see what is involved in this cleansing. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t […]

James 4:10 Humble Yourself: The Lord Will Exalt You – Part 11 

Have I humbled myself in the presence of the Lord?  How has the Lord exalted me? Yesterday We saw what is involved in the cleansing that God requires to draw near to Him. Today We want to check out the end result of humbling ourselves before the Lord. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work […]