James 4:1 Conflicts Within – Part 1

 Are my pleasures (lustful desires) waging war within? Yesterday We all dug into verse 1 LOOKING at James question, ‘what is the source of  quarrels and conflicts among you?’ What did God show you about yourself? Today We will uncover WHY one wars with others? Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > […]

James 4:1 Conflicts Within – Part 2

  How do I deal with my fleshly desires? Yesterday We saw: The source of conflict (external or internal) is one’s uncontrollable desires; There is a group within the church who have a dead faith, are ungodly, who can’t control their desires. Today We will shift our focus to those with genuine faith, the godly, […]

James 4:2-3 Conflicts Within – Part 3

What shameful things have my selfish desires driven me to do? Yesterday We LOOKED at how the godly deal with their desires, the pleasures of life. Today We will peel back another layer to see what God says in verses 2-3 about lusts. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have […]

James 4:2-3 Conflicts Within Part 4

Do I ask God for my will to be done, or His will to be done? Yesterday We LOOKED at ‘you lust and do not have; so you commit murder‘. Today We want to continue LOOKING at ‘you do not have‘ in verses 2-3. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > […]

James 4:4 Conflict With God – Part 1

 Am I in conflict with God? Yesterday We finished LOOKING at conflicts in one’s bodily members. Today We will begin to unfold the conflict with God in verses 4-5. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > Or, you can use your hardbound Bibles and follow along. […]

James 4:4 Conflict With God – Part 2

  Am I a friend with the world? Yesterday We began to zoom in on the conflict with God. Today We will LOOK at being a friend with the world, which puts us in conflict with God. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > Or, you […]