James 3:17 God’s Wisdom: Is Unwavering, Without Hypocrisy – Part 5

Am I unwavering? Am I without hypocrisy? Yesterday We zoomed in on the wisdom that is  from God is peaceable, gentle and reasonable in verses 17-18. Today Let’s LOOK at true wisdom that is ‘unwavering’ and ‘without hypocrisy’. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > Or, you can use […]

James 3:18 God’s Wisdom: Sows Righteousness in Peace Part 6

Do I sow righteousness in peace? Yesterday We zoomed in on the wisdom that is  from God in verses 17-18. Today Let’s continue to see what God says about wisdom that is from Him. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > Or, you can […]

James 3:13-18 IT’S A WRAP! How Do I Reflect the Wisdom of God?

We’ve Spent several days, LOOKING at James 3:13-18, 6 verses, to correctly see what God says. Learning how to use GODcha. Becoming familiar with some of the different skills to help us correctly see what God says. Today, we want to Wrap it up!  Review all we have LEARNED. LIVE it out! Apply it to our lives. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you […]

James 4:1-10 True Faith Submits to God

To resolve conflicts and worldliness, will I submit to God? Are you in conflict with man? Why? What is the source of our conflicts? This is what we want to concentrate on. Just turn on the news and what do you see and hear? Why is there so much incredible hatred and dissension? Why is it […]

James 4:1-5 Conflicts with Others – Part 1

Am I in conflict with others ?   Yesterday We began LOOKING at the next test, true faith submits to God, by reading just verses 1-5 with a questioning mindset, to slow down and see what God is saying. Today Let’s sink our teeth into these verses together. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work […]

James 4:1 Conflicts With Others – Part 2

What is the source of my conflicts with others? Yesterday We all took a stab at James 4:1-5 on our own. How did you do?  I am so proud of you for making the effort. Be patient as God is going to open up a whole new world of understanding to you as you grow in […]