James 3:15 Wisdom Not of God: Is Earthly, Natural, Demonic Part 4

Is my approach to life earthly, natural, and demonic? Yesterday We focused on certain characteristics that ‘lie against the truth’.  Today Let’s dig into verse 15, to see what else God says about this ‘wisdom that does NOT come down from above’. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you […]

James 3:16 Wisdom Not of God: Produces Disorder Part 5

Is my life full of disorder and chaos? Yesterday We zeroed in on this wisdom that is not of God is earthly, natural and demonic.   Today We will LOOK at the ‘results’ of this false wisdom. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > […]

James 3:17 God’s Wisdom: Is First Pure Part 1

What is the condition of my heart? Am I pure in heart? Yesterday The last few days we have been learning about a wisdom that is NOT from God.  Today In contrast, let’s see what God says about wisdom that IS from Him in verses 17-18. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in […]

James 3:17 God’s Wisdom: Is THEN Peaceable Part 2

Am I at peace with God and others? Yesterday We learned that the wisdom that IS from God is 1st pure.  Today Let’s take small bites, looking at the outward characteristics of the wisdom that IS from God in verses 17-18. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have […]

James 3:17 God’s Wisdom: Is Gentle, Reasonable Part 3

Am I gentle and reasonable with others? Yesterday We learned the the wisdom that IS from God is 1st pure, THEN it is peaceable.   Today Let’s move on in verse 17, and focus on God’s Wisdom is gentle and reasonable. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have […]

James 3:17 God’s Wisdom: Is Full of Mercy and Good Fruits – Part 4

Am I full of mercy and good fruits?  Yesterday We zoomed in on the wisdom that is from God is gentle and reasonable in verses 17-18. Today Let’s LOOK at true wisdom being ‘full of mercy and good fruits’.  Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get […]