James 3:2 ALL: Stumble With Their Tongue – Part 1

 Why do I shoot off the mouth before thinking? Last WEEEK We took in much about what God says about teachers and our tongues.  This WEEK We are going to jump into verses 2-4, understanding it is not just teachers who are accountable, but we ALL stumble in many ways, even in what we ‘say’.   Open GODcha […]

James 3:2 ALL: Stumble With Their Tongue – Part 2

How do I stumble with my tongue? Yesterday We peeled back another layer of the onion regarding the tongue, seeing it’s relationship to the heart. Today We will keep sampling on God’s heavenly bread LOOKING at how we stumble in what we ‘say’. Because there is no easier way to sin, than with our mouths, […]

James 3:2 If We Don’t Stumble

  Am I able to control my tongue?  Yesterday We saw how we ALL stumble… in what we ‘say’. Today Let’s dive into the contrast, if we don’t stumble in what we ‘say’.   Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View > NOTE: If you don’t have GODcha  Get It > Or, you can use your hardbound Bibles and […]

James 3:3-5 The Tongue Directs: The Bit and Rudder – Part 1

Do I use my words wisely?  Do I direct and influence others the right way, or the wrong way? Yesterday We LOOKED at what is true ‘if we don’t stumble in what we say’. Today Let’s check out the 2 illustrations in verses 3-5a to understand the power our words have to ‘control’ and  ‘direct’ our lives.  Open GODcha […]

James 3:3-5 The Tongue Directs: The Bit and Rudder – Part 2

How does my tongue behave? Yesterday We LOOKED at our tongues, with our focus on the power our words have to ‘direct’ our lives.  Today We want to LEARN how the tongue is to behave to direct our lives in the right direction. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split View >   Let’s Ask For […]

James 3:5-6 The Tongue Destroys: The Fire – Part 1

  What kind of destruction have my words caused? Yesterday We LOOKED at 2 illustrations that helped us understand the tongue has the power to ‘direct’ and ‘control’ lives. We saw: the only way we have the power to control the tongue is by God’s divine power within us, and our willingness to submit to the power […]