Entries by J Hamm

James 3:9-12 The Tongue: Bless, Then Curse

Are my words sweet, or bitter? Do I bless God, but then turn around and curse men? Yesterday We looked at James’ illustration to show the tongue has the power to destroy. Today We want to zoom in on the tongue ‘blesses’ and ‘curses’ and this ought not to be. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work […]

James 3:1-12 IT’S A WRAP! How Do I Use My Tongue?

How Do I Use My Tongue? We’ve Spent 11 Days, LOOKING at James 3:1-12, 12 verses, to correctly see what God says. Learning how to use GODcha. Becoming familiar with some of the different skills to help us correctly see what God says. Today, we want to Wrap it up!  Review all we have LEARNED. LIVE it out! Apply it to our lives. Open GODcha to the Book of James. Work in Split […]

James 3:13-18 True Faith Has Wisdom

  What do we long for in this life? Is it health, wealth, and happiness? Or, do we long for for the Lord and His wisdom? Is it anywhere on our radar? Well, I would say it should be, because James asks, ‘who among you is wise and understanding?‘ What makes us wise and understanding? What […]

James 3:13 Wise and Understanding

Am I wise and understanding? Yesterday We read verses 13-18 with a questioning mindset to slow down and see what God is saying about the next test, True Faith Has Wisdom From Above. Today Let’s break this paragraph up into smaller bites, sinking our teeth into verse 13 and see what we can discover. Discovery: LOOK, […]